Monday, December 28, 2015

Triumph of the Will - Riefenstahl - 1935

You can see this film by clicking on this link:

I once took a sociology of religion course in which our professor asked us to watch this film and to look for how Riefenstahl used religious symbols and motifs to glorify Hitler and Nazism. Don't forget that the swastika itself was an ancient religious symbol. You might want to view this film the same way I did for the first time, or you can simply just watch it and derive whatever conclusions you are able to.

This film was made after Hitler had performed an economic miracle in Germany - reducing unemployment to negligible levels. Some perceptive folks still recognized Hitler's threat to civilization, but many were, apparently,bamboozled.

Riefenstahl would later go on to say that she was not a Nazi propagandist, but she seems to be shooting for a very clear and precise political message in this film. It is unmitigated propaganda. Some say it is the finest example of propaganda in the history of film.

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