The film follows a young woman who was in a boat off the shore of Japan when the Hiroshima bomb was dropped. While in the boat, it began to rain but the rain was black and like ink. Because of this experience it becomes difficult for her to later find a marriage partner - everyone is convinced she will not live for a 'full' life.
This film does a great job of showing how people who were near Hiroshima died many years later and how they suffered before they died.
At one point in the film a man who has radiation sickness is listening to the radio about news from the Korean War and he hears the announcer say, "The USA is considering the use of nuclear weapons in the Korean War..." He then says, "Nobody ever seems to learn anything. An unjust peace is better than a just war."
I liked this line - an unjust peace is better than a just war - because it reminded me of the debates before the USA attacked Iraq in the early 2000s. It also seems to apply to Syria. Maybe the character was right - an unjust peace is better than a just war.
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