Sunday, December 29, 2013

Aguirre, The Wrath of God by Werner Herzog 1972

I tend to think this film is over-rated.  Herzog once said that he often didn't know what the dialogue for a scene was going to be (in this movie) until about 10 minutes before shooting the scene, and this shows.

If this is a 'great' film, it's not because of the dialogue.

Basically this is a film about a small group of Spanish conquistadores who search for the mythical City of Gold.  They are led by a delusional and megalomaniacal leader who usurps his power from a more responsible and competent member of his expedition.  The historical statement being made in the film, I'm assuming, is that the conquest and colonization of South America was accomplished by such buffoons - Aguirre was just unlucky, other buffoons were lucky beyond belief.

The film is worth watching, or I wouldn't place it here. :P  Remember to click on the little 'cc' icon under the screen to get the English subtitles, although, as I wrote previously, you won't be missing much if you don't follow what is being said.

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